Worth Reading - 12/8

1. My Post at IFWE on the relationship between the Incarnation and the Mundane aspects of life:

As we celebrate Christmas, we should celebrate the Incarnation. Not only should we rejoice in the salvation that came through the enfleshment of the Word of God, we should also celebrate the life Christ lived in which he did such ordinary things as eat, sleep, and work.

2. Over at First Things, Thomas Farr and Hilary Towers think it is time to challenge no-fault divorce:

High in the catalogue of social pathologies afflicting marriage and the family in America stands our system of family law, the central purpose of which is to enforce no-fault divorce.

3. Chelsea Patterson addresses the nature of suffering and why it exists. This is short, but helpful:

We’re guaranteed to suffer for two reasons. The first is because sin infected everything in our world. When sin entered, nothing in the realm of creation escaped its destroying touch. It ushered in general suffering, such as natural disasters and disease. The second reason is because suffering is a part of being a Christ follower.

4. Do you need a laugh? Jim Gaffigan's Hot Pocket routine will give it.